
Starting a Business: When Do You Think About a Logo and Branding

Starting a Business: When Do You Think About a Logo and Branding

If you want to set up a business and become an entrepreneur, there are several steps to follow. You'll need to conduct a market study, think about sources of financing, and take a number of legal and administrative steps. But what about a logo? When should you start thinking about the logo and branding of your new company? Let's take a closer look.

Why is it important to have a logo?

Before we get into the steps involved, is it really important for your new company to have a logo? In our opinion, if you've reached the point of introducing your company, its services or its products, you need a logo. A logo is a sign of professionalism and credibility. These are essential elements when you want to attract the attention of potential customers and make your mark.

Here's a simple example. Let's say you want to start out as an interior designer. Since there are many designers out there, a logo can help you stand out and show your values. On the other hand, would you rather work with a company that has a logo and a brand image, or one that doesn't? A company without a logo could give the impression that it's low-end, amateurish or doesn't offer a quality service.


When should you think about a logo and branding?

Now that you know you need a logo, when do you need to start the design process? It's a good idea to do some analysis before you start designing your logo. This will give you a more representative logo and brand image.


Start by creating your own company

As we've just mentioned, it's best to think about your logo when you've already laid the foundation for your business. You'll have to choose a company name, think about the services and products you'd like to offer, financing, legal and administrative procedures, and so on.

However, there's nothing stopping you from choosing your values during this process. Your corporate values can certainly be your starting inspiration for your logo. The reason we think it's best to think about your logo and branding only after you've done your research is to avoid creating something that won't ultimately work with the rest of your new company.


Research your market

When you set up your business, you'll need to do some market research. This includes taking a look at your competitors. Obviously, it's essential to see how you can differentiate yourself from other companies, whether in terms of your products, pricing or values.

Another thing you can check is the logos of other companies in your sector. If you want to have a chance at standing out, it is wise not to create a logo resembling those of other players in your field. Let's say you want to open a dental practice. If the other dentists have chosen a tooth icon, a color palette with blue and a combined logo, it is a good idea to choose other visual components.


Think about your target customers

Another component to analyze when setting up your business is your target clientele. Who are your products and services aimed at? What needs will you meet? As part of this study, you can create a persona, a sort of imaginary customer, to better identify their needs. You can create a name, a story, interests and so on.

The more you know about your target clientele, the easier it will be to create a logo they'll like. In fact, the logo of a dental practice whose target clientele is young families is likely to be very different from that of one whose clientele is young professionals or retirees.


Start thinking about creating your logo

Only once you've established the basics of your business and taken the time to analyze the market, your competitors and your target clientele, can you move on to creating your logo. Remember, this is your logo, not that of another company or competitor. Also, at this stage you'll have a better idea of what you want, whether it's the color palette or the type of logo.

This is also the time to define your brand image. After all, the logo is just one of many components. Your brand image will give your company a personality, whether through colors, fonts or tone. People should get a sense of your values even when they don't see your logo. Just think of the combination of red and yellow that represent McDonalds.

You have several options when it comes to creating your logo. You can decide to do it yourself, use an editor like FreeLogoDesign, or hire a professional, such as a freelance graphic designer or an agency. Did you know that you can also hire our team to create a customized logo?  Please contact us to discuss your ideas.


Reminder: how to create a good logo?

How do you ensure you have a good logo? Characteristics to keep in mind include being recognizable, flexible, simple, timeless, and distinctive.

  • Recognizable, so the symbol can be easily associated with your company. 
  • Flexible, so it can be used everywhere, whether on the web or on promotional items.
  • Simple, because simple, minimalist logos are currently on trend and are often more flexible.
  • Timeless, because you probably don't want your logo to become obsolete only after a few years.
  • Distinctive, so that your company can easily stand out from the competition.


In conclusion, to avoid having to start all over again or having something that doesn't adequately represent you, think about your logo only after you've done your market research. However, keep in mind that you'll need a professional-looking logo and brand image when you're ready to unveil your products and services. If this is your first time, take a look at our article on mistakes to avoid when creating a company logo. We wish you every success in starting your new business!


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