
What to Check When Looking for a Business Name

What to Check When Looking for a Business Name

If you're starting a business, chances are you'll have to come up with a business name. For this, you have several options: you can use your name like Michael Kors or Chanel, use an existing word like Apple or Amazon, or combine different words to create something unique like Walmart or Netflix. Let us tell you about a few things you should check when you think you've found your business name to avoid problems.

A few tips to find an ideal name for your business

If you haven't found your business name yet, don't panic. Since we already wrote an article on the subject a while ago, let's look at the three most important characteristics of a business name.


Have you ever noticed that most business names are relatively short? The reason is simple, the longer a name, the harder it can be to remember it or easily use it everywhere. Your company name should not exceed four syllables. If you think your business is name too long, you can always shorten it, simplify it or even use an acronym.


In the same vein, if your business name is too complicated, chances are your potential customers won't remember it. Therefore, choose something simple that sounds good to the ear. Also, think about how your business name will be written. If someone hears about your company or its products, will they be able to find them easily if they do a Google search?


Finally, like a logo, your company name must be representative. This is essential, because by reading or hearing the name, your potential customer should have an idea of what you offer or your values. It's not enough to come up with a generic name, take something that represents you well. Don't forget that Facebook started out as a site for comparing student profiles. If necessary, make a list of keywords related to what you want to offer and take a look at synonyms.

What to check when you've found your business name

Once you've found a business name that you like, and it meets different criteria, there are some questions to ask yourself. This will make sure you can use it and avoid unpleasant surprises. Let's take a closer look.

Have other companies chosen the same name?

You may think you have created a unique business name, but is that really the case? You may have to check with search engines, but also with government authorities to confirm that you are the only one using this name.

Also, check different variants and avoid copying existing company names. If another company already uses the same or a very similar name, you could have problems or confuse your customers. It would be a shame to send them to a competitor, right?

Have you checked the meaning of your company name in other languages?

When you start your business, you may only want to sell your products or services in your area. However, over time you may want to target other markets, especially if you sell online. When you choose a business name, take the time to check if the name has a negative connotation in other languages. This could save you a lot of trouble.

Here is an example of a business name that does not have the same meaning in other languages. When the World Taekwondo Federation chose an acronym for their official name, they used the letters WTF. Unfortunately, the acronym is strongly associated with the expression What the fuck. Recently, the federation started using the letters WT for World Taekwondo.

Have you checked using search engines?

Chances are you've already taken the time to Google your name. Before you make your business name official, why not do some more research? You could see if other companies have already had this name or what is associated with your name.

For example, let's say you want to use your first and last name for your photography business. By doing some Google searches, you see that someone with a name similar to yours has a criminal record in another state. Knowing this, it may be wise not to use your first and last name, but another name to avoid confusion.

Is the domain name available?

Finally, a mistake that can be costly is that of the domain name. After spending hours finding the perfect business name, check if the domain name is available. Even if no other company seems to have this name, it doesn’t mean that the domain name is available. There cannot be two domain names alike. This would be an unfortunate situation.

What to do if you see that the desired domain name is not available? First, you can slightly change your business name to a domain that is available. If you want to keep the same name at all costs, it is always possible to choose another extension than .com. For example, you could choose .net or .org or an extension related to your country of origin such as .it for Italy or .ca for Canada.


In conclusion, it can be difficult to find the perfect business name. Start by keeping in mind that you need something short, simple and representative. Then, do different tests. Did you know that your business name can have a direct impact on your logo? Yes, if you decide to use an acronym, you could create a monogram logo. Find out how!


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