
Is Your Logo Accessible?

Is Your Logo Accessible?

When you create a logo, you probably want it to be seen and appreciated by as many people as possible, don't you? That's why you took the time to choose colors and fonts that represent you well. However, when creating your logo, did you think about its accessibility? Millions of people are color blind or have vision problems. So, how do you create a logo that is for everyone?

Why it's important to have a logo everyone can appreciate

Many people may wonder why it is important to create an accessible logo when it may exclude only a small amount of the population. Color blindness affects only about 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women on average. But, if we consider this percentage of the population of California, this is still 1,666,666 men and almost 100,000 women. Several well-known people such as English actor Eddie Redmayne, former US President Bill Clinton and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg are color-blind. So, do you want to exclude these potential customers? It's quite easy to create an accessible logo, just follow a few very simple rules.

In addition, you must remember that people are growing older. Another aspect of accessibility is helping people read any text, for example, on a website. Therefore, what can you do to ensure people can read the name of your business on your logo easily?


What makes an accessible logo design?

Accessibility guidelines to consider when creating your logo

No need to be a professional designer to know more about accessibility guidelines. It can help you create designs, projects, and brand images that will be enjoyed by more people. It is especially important if it is for a non-profit organization helping people with disabilities.

Choose the Right Colors

Let's start with colors as this is often one of the main considerations when creating an accessible logo. It is important to know that colorblind people have difficulty seeing certain colors, including red, green and purple. Typically, they can see blue and yellow. You can choose red as the main color of your logo, but some people may not see the same color as you do.

There are a few color combinations that should be avoided since a colorblind person will only see one hue. These combinations are green and red, green and brown, blue and purple, green and blue, blue and grey, and green and grey. Again, if you choose one of these options, try putting lines, contrasts or even textures to indicate that there are two different colors. A good way to test your color choices is to see your logo in black and white or to use different filters that can be found online. 

Also, it may explain why so many company logos use blue in for their logos. It is a color everyone can see.

Have Sufficient Contrast

In design, whether for a website or a logo project, it is suggested to have enough contrast between colors to facilitate the readability of a text or the understanding of visual elements. For example, if you use pale pink for your company name, people may have trouble reading it when it's on a white background. However, if you choose bright red or black, the contrast will make the text in your logo easy to read. There are many online tools that you can use to check if the contrast between the colors of your logo is sufficient. A ratio of around 4.5:1 is recommended.

In addition, using color contrast will help make your logo look more dynamic. Contrast catches people's attention more easily. You could also opt for complementary colors since these combinations have a high contrast ratio, but nothing is better than a black-and-white contrast.

Add Symbols or Icons

As we have said many times, colors have meanings and help convey your values. When creating an accessible logo, however, keep in mind that there are other ways convey your message. You can do this by using a font that represents your brand image or by adding a shape to your logo. Did you know that shapes also have meaning? Circles represent unity and completeness, squares are associated with security and order, while triangles mean balance and power. Therefore, including several different shapes related to your branding will create a logo that is both strong and accessible.

On the other hand, simplicity is one of the elements that makes a logo great. If you are planning to create an accessible logo, avoid using any busy layout since it may distract people. 


Use the Right Font

Several types of logos include text, such as letters, the name of your company or your slogan. Unfortunately, several common errors regarding the creation of a logo are related to the choice of font. If you want to have an accessible logo, you must first choose a font that is easy to read. Avoid overly artistic script-style details as they interfere with legibility. Indeed, it would be better to opt for a simple sans-serif font. Then, make sure your text is the right size. If your company's name is too small, people will have a hard time reading and remembering it. If necessary, find some tips in this article on how to choose the perfect font for your logo.

To help you with large text, online guidelines state that any web text should be at least 14 px, but 16 px is even better. Since the slogan must be one-third of the company name, that this into consideration if you want people to be able to read everything easily.


Forget the Tiny Details

In the same vein, we suggest that you avoid the small details in your logo. One of the best examples we can give on this subject is the Cirque du Soleil logo. Initially, the logo was filled with details and was difficult to replicate accurately. In general, logos with a lot of detail or complexity don't look as good on the web. This is probably one of the reasons why one of the main trends in logos is minimalism. Just look at the logos of the big companies. Most of the time, these logos are quite simple.

Your logo must also be flexible; you should be able to use it easily on your website, mobile app, and printed materials.


Where can I find accessible images and logo templates?

Whatever your project, you can find some relevant logo templates on FreeLogoDesign. Our graphic designers know what the accessibility rules are and choose relevant contextual information accordingly. For example, they know how to use color contrast to ensure any element and text are easy to read.

Where can I find accessibility and handicap symbols and icons for my project?

You can check various accessibility organizations to access the official internationally used symbols. Several of them also provide web content accessibility guidelines if you need any help. If you are looking for specific icons, like a wheelchair, you can look it up in FreeLogoDesign's logo maker. Indeed, we have thousands of relevant icons. You just need to click on Add a new icon and start a search. 

In conclusion, it is not so difficult to create a logo for your brand that can be seen and appreciated by all, just respect certain rules. Don't hesitate to do different tests and use online tools to check if your logo is, in fact, accessible–contrast checker, use of color filters, etc. The important part to remember is that when you make these efforts, you increase your chances of breaking into this multi-million-person community. All the best success!

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